Sunday, December 10, 2017

CBPOA - December 6th, 2017, Quarterly General Meeting Minutes

Directors Present:  Ed, Jim, Rona, Beryl, Erik, Robert, Derrick.                              Beecher Place
1)      Call to order at 7:33 PM    In Andrew’s absence, the meeting was chaired by Ed who welcomed newcomers to the meeting.

2)      Approval of the September 6th, 2017, Quarterly General Meeting draft minutes. Proposed: Rona, Seconded: Jim.  All in favour.

Approval of the November 15th, 2017, Additional General Meeting draft minutes. Proposed: Rich, Seconded: Ron.  All in favour.

3)      Matters arising from the minutes:  none.

4)      Directors’ Reports.   Treasurer’s report.  Jim reported the financial situation – in round figures, $9K in chequing and $43K in term deposits.                                                      Adoption of the Treasurer’s report, Proposed: Beryl, Seconded: Carolyn.  All in favour.

5)      Actions following the November 8th and November 15th meetings.

Derrick gave an update on the actions that have occurred:

The President and the Secretary have been in contact, multiple times, with the Project Manager, relaying the membership request to hold a meeting/workshop with those residents affected by the Phase 2 work together with those who experienced the Phase 1 drainage project work.

This has resolved, for now, into the Project Manager, Tindi Sekhon, together with Carrie Baron, Engineering Drainage Manager, Phillip Bellefontaine, Engineering Transportation Planning Manager and Don Buchanan, Engineering Transportation Manager, coming to our next CBPOA General Meeting, being held on January 3rd.

Here is what we know now - about the drainage project:

As stated in the letter which the Project Manager sent to the affected residents who provided their contact information at the November 8th open house.
“Since the open house the boulevard restoration concept has changed. Based on feedback the City has received it is to be similar to what was implemented on Gilley St. Gardiner St., Agar St., McBride Ave., and Target St. will be raised by approximately 1 ft. O’Hara Lane will not be raised; the work planned is to install a storm sewer with catch basins and widen sections to accommodate large service vehicles”.

From an update provided by Tindi to Andrew on November 20th:

-          The boulevard areas will be restored to pre-construction conditions.

-          To ensure road drainage is being collected, a curb system is recommended. In the consultations by the Project Manager with affected home owners, four types of curb options are being presented.

Asphalt curb  -  Concrete roll over curb  -  Concrete flat curb, (swales will be required within the boulevard areas) and No curb, (concept presented at the open house).

Property owners consulted with say they prefer a curb system. Some are happy with the way Gilley St. looks and some are okay with either a concrete rollover or asphalt curb.
The members were encouraged by the suggested changes coming out of the feedback from the November 8th open house. However there was disappointment and concern expressed regarding no movement towards having the suggested workshop with the affected residents.  Why wouldn’t the Project want to take advantage of local knowledge and the experience gained from the previous work? For example, conditions vary in different places around the village, with respect to surface drainage water being expected to percolate and drain through a grass boulevard, and locals know how the traffic flow could react to construction disruptions and therefore how it will need to be most efficiently managed.
Some members commented that Tindi had been out to meet with them either individually or in small groups and they have had the opportunity to talk with him about the drainage plan and remediation design, handling the traffic flow during construction and the speeding that continues to occur in the village.
A question for the January 3rd meeting – what surveys of residents’ views can be anticipated around the affected areas and Sullivan St. with respect to potentially implementing traffic calming measures?

6)      New Business.

6-1) Ian Nichols, a resident of Bayview, talked to his experiencing a slow draining toilet. He called in a plumber and $780 plus later, found nothing wrong at the residence. They called in the City, who came down right away and found the issue was tree roots impeding drainage in the pipe outside the property.

Residents are advised to call the City first should they be experiencing similar difficulties.

6-2) Art asked why is the Paddle Board hut still remaining at the Beach?  Is this in the new contract?
Action: Derrick contacted Sukhi Bahia, the City Business Systems Coordinator, who responded that, in accordance with the License Agreement, the hut was to be removed by the first week of November. Sukhi has advised the operator and the hut will be removed next week.

7)      The Blackie’s Spit Preservation Society AGM was held, led by Erik Seiz.

8)      Motion to Adjourn.  Proposed: Pam.  Seconded: Jim.   All in favour.

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