Monday, January 20, 2020

CBPOA - January 8, 2020 - General Meeting Minutes

Crescent Beach Property Owner's Association General Meeting
January 8, 2020

Directors Present:         Andrew, Bruce, Jim                                                      Beecher Place

1) Call to order at 7:32 PM

2) Presentation - Speaker Karen MacPherson, CEO, St John Ambulance, BC and Yukon, regarding proposed Save Stations.  Karen is a liaison between the community and the St. John's Ambulance.  The proposal is to install AEDs, devices that save lives in the event of cardiac event.  AEDs are being installed in many places but usually in buildings; St John's Ambulance want to move AEDs from inside to outside buildings.  They are simple to use and can save a life.  Proposals have been sent the CBPOA and to Camp Alex, with the suggestion that one be installed at Beecher Place, another be installed near the swim club.  The cost is $15,000, fundraising would be required.  Will the community adopt this?  Also, the community would be asked to undertake some training with St John's Ambulance.  Discussion around vandalism: these Save Stations are already at work in Oakridge, Yaletown, on 152nd; stations are monitored and their use leads to a 911 call. 
-       Motion from Jim, seconded by Laura Thibeault: that CBPOA fund this.  Motion will be tabled to members in the draft minutes, Vote to be take on the next open meeting
3) Correspondence and updates
-       Church property - no new developments, Surrey Heritage Committee involved, all discussion must go through City of Surrey.  Beryl is in contact with the city and the church group, and has formed a working group.

-         Traffic and Transportation - traffic calming is a high priority.  There was gridlock on January 1, as happens on busy days. Fortunately no emergency vehicles were needed.  We need to work with the traffic and transportation departments in the City of Surrey.  Counsellor Annis will contact our committee.  Formation of a working group regarding traffic: Laura Thibeault, Leanne Mason , Rona Tepper. Suggestion made that we have a method of calling the RCMP (police) to direct traffic on very busy days, Rona to follow up.  Is pay parking a solution?  Would it help to have a traffic circle at the top of the hill?

4) Director's Reports
Membership  Bruce  There has been a good start to 2020, there are approximately 400 members on Jan 8, 2020.
Treasurer  Jim  Not a lot of change in the account, balance of $56,000, we could support the Safe Stations.

5) \New Business
-   Water levels rising on some properties.
-   Community Land Planning discussed impact. (That was where Church property was discussed.)  Will get some help from Counsellor Annis.
-   Each working group of the CBPOA is to give an update at each General Meeting.

6)  Motion to Adjourn 8:35 PM

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