Saturday, June 4, 2016

2016 June Quarterly General Meeting Final Minutes

CBPOA  June 1st, 2016 – Quarterly General Meeting Final Minutes
Beecher Place
Present: Erik, Malcolm, Mark, Bruce, Carolyn, Art, Derrick           Apologies: Liz, David

1)    Call to order    7:32PM

2)    Presentation       Carrie Barron, Jeff Welch, City of Surrey Engineering,      Owen Croy, Manager of Parks.   

Carrie outlined the March 2016 event, where residences along the dyke and Beecher Place suffered flooding.    Waves coming in one way and the wind coming from a different direction created wave splash-up over the dyke. The incoming water from wave splash-up then exceeded the capacity of the installed drainage system, resulting in the flooding of adjacent properties.   This concurred with residents’ observations at the time of the occurrence.

Three preventative options are being considered to protect the residences along the dyke and Carrie requested community thoughts on the proposals. 

Option 1)     Construct a grass/landscaped berm, 450mm (18 inches) high, between the path and the residences, along with a grass swale, (rounded channel),  to capture and drain any future wave splash-up.

Option2)       Supplement option 1 by installing temporary, removable, 2 foot high, “Muscle Walls”, (interlocking water filled plastic barriers), on top of the dyke. The Muscle Walls would be installed in the Fall and remain in place until the storm season is over in late March.

Option 3)      Supplement option 1) by installing 4 foot high Muscle Walls on top of the dyke.

It is proposed to protect the City property, Beecher Place, by installing a pleasingly cast concrete sit wall in a curved design, in front of the building.

Re-grading of the path in some areas and more frequent inspection and maintenance of the installed drainage system will also be carried out.

It was noted that any consideration to locally raise the dyke must wait for the outcome of the regional study of the potential effects of sea level rise.  

Following questions and answers, the members present, by way of a show of hands, overwhelmingly supported option 1), installing a berm and a swale. This was based on viewed effectiveness, professional opinion and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the beach.

Carrie also confirmed that the Gordon St. drainage is being built this year. It will be in the same trench as the existing.

The meeting enthusiastically thanked the City Staff for their work and presentation with a round of applause.

3)    Approval of the March 2nd, 2016, Quarterly General Meeting daft minutes.
                  Proposed Bob, seconded Carolyn, all in favour.

4)    Business arising from the minutes.    None.

5)    Directors’ Reports.   Membership. Will start canvassing in about a month when those who come to the beach for the summer are present. Have a wonderful group of canvassers, would be wonderful to have a couple more and new blood is always welcome. Do a final pass in the September - October period when those who have been away for the summer return. In answer to a question, Bruce indicated he would post which streets require canvassers when this becomes apparent and indicated he could find a street for anyone wishing to volunteer. It’s a great way to meet and chat with your neighbours.

6)    Correspondence.   None to report. There are a couple of events that will be happening:  

Sunday July, 24th. Stand Up Paddle Races at Blackie Spit Park, in support of the Surrey Hospital and Outpatient Centre Foundation. Contact, Devon Douglas, e-mail:

Saturday September 10th. Head of the River Regatta. Hosted by the Nicomekl Rowing Club. Rowers will come down river and around Blackie Spit.
Contact: Cathy Cotter, e-mail:

7)    Activities and Actions since the March Meeting.

7.1) Whistle Cessation. Malcolm reported that in late 2014 the “At Grade Rail Crossing Regulations” were revised. As part of this, Transport Canada was put in the position to mediate between the City and BNSF and if necessary arbitrate. The City then resubmitted their proposal on whistle cessation to BNSF and since 2015 progress has been made. There is now the expectation that the City, at some point, will be in the position to disclose what has been agreed with BNSF and Transport Canada.   There will be two meetings, one with the community at large and one with the CBPOA to communicate what is being proposed for the infrastructure needed to support whistle cessation. For example, there will have to be fences to prevent access and there is some discussion on exactly where the fences will be located.

In answer to a question Malcolm responded that, with respect to emergency access there are now cameras installed at both crossings and we have excellent monitoring and data collection capability. If a 911 call comes in, a stop train call/order goes to BNSF to stop any train that is approaching the crossing. Where a train is at the crossings it should clear within the emergency response time. Should there be a stopped train at the crossings this must be decoupled within 8 minutes. Managing situations should be more readily achieved now we have the monitoring in place.

7.2) Traffic calming meeting. Mark reported on a meeting with City Transportation, City Planning and Councillor Judy Villeneuve on May 3rd.  The meeting was requested by Councillor Villeneuve. City staff gave updates on speed monitoring and how comprehensive the installation of speed bumps throughout the village would need to be. Other options may be worth considering, for example mini roundabouts and one is being planned for this summer as a trial.
A request was made from the floor for temporary calming to be considered on Gilley, (where the number of vehicles speeding between Dunsmuir and McBride has increased). Malcolm will touch base with the City with this request.

7.3) Art, as the CBPOA liaison with Law Enforcement,  reported that Block Watch is really catching on and working in Crescent Beach. The Block Watch Captains are talking to each other. About one third of the community streets are participating and Art encouraged more people to join up. From the floor, one Block Watch co-captain commented that the troubles with car thefts and break-ins experienced last year are not happening this year.

7.4) Garbage collection on the beach. The City has stepped up collection to 2 times per week with youth teams carrying out garbage collection on the beach in the evenings. Surrey also has an App for graffiti and garbage. Take a picture and send it in. There is a move to install special recycle bins as a pilot program.

7.5) Bus schedule. Some months ago, Tanslink made some suggestions to change the bus schedule for Crescent Beach. In the face of objections to the proposals they will do more consultation and the bus schedule will remain unchanged for the present.

8)    Call for interest in Director positions.  The positions of President, Vice President and Membership are up for election at the September AGM.
Mark outlined the time commitments, which are generally not onerous, and encouraged people to consider expressing interest in putting their names forward by contacting him.

9)    Streamlining Meeting Efficiency. At issue is a need to ensure motions brought forward are clear, there is sufficient information to make an informed decision and there is generally broad member support for a motion.  With this in mind, new motions unrelated to the business at hand should be put out to the Directors and published in advance of the Quarterly General Meeting along with supporting information and an indication that there is general support. The proposed motion would be provided in the meeting reminder notice.

Following some push back from the floor, it was reaffirmed that this is not intended to prevent new ideas, suggestions and issues coming from the floor during the meetings. There just needs to be that balance between spontaneity and articulating a critical issue correctly for everyone to understand.

10)Land Use Plan Review. The first meeting with the community was shown in the schedule as occurring in May. What has happened is that the City has had an internal meeting looking at the major issues such as parking, transportation and flooding.

11)Beautification Project at McBride Crossing.  The City has beautification grants available.  The CBPOA applied and was successful in being awarded a grant to clean up and beautify the road junction area near the McBride Crossing. Mark thanked all the volunteers who worked to greatly improve this location.

12)Camp Alexandra Future.   The Directors at Camp Alexandra are asking for our ideas about the future for the facilities. They are asking us to be bold, creative and think 10 years ahead. It should be noted that doing nothing is not an alternative given the age of the facilities. What do we want to see for this location in the centre of the village in the years 2025 +?

Ideas can be given to any Director of Camp Alexandra or sent via e-mail to:

13)New Business.    A concern was brought up regarding the visibility problem with the traffic control sign going north from Target onto O’Hara Lane.  Malcolm will send a picture to the City on the ap.

14)Motion to adjourn:   Proposed Mark     Seconded Gail.             

    Meeting adjourned at 9:42 pm.

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