Tuesday, September 12, 2017

CBPOA September 6th, 2017 - Annual General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: Andrew Severson at 20:40 PM
1)    Adoption of the September 7th, 2016 Annual general Meeting Minutes.
Proposed: Jim Carter. Seconded: Don Risk.  All in favour.
2)    Business Arising from the minutes – None
3)    Directors’ Reports:   Treasurer:  Liz Bailey-Connor:  see printed report.
Expenditures for the year included the cost of the electronic survey vehicle, a $1000 donation to Beach House Theatre and thank you gifts for outgoing board volunteers. There is a CBPOA standing resolution to support the Blackie Spit Preservation Society with its membership fees. This amounts to 50 cents each year, of every membership fee received. In the last financial year $192 were transferred.
As outgoing Treasurer, Liz was thanked for her many years of very valuable contribution.
                                          Membership: Bruce Friesen.  Membership at June 30th was 407, the second highest level within the last 10 years. A slight trend towards more members in the village and on the bluff and fewer members further east continued. For the 2016/17 year our team of volunteer canvassers continued to do an outstanding job of door-to-door visits maintaining our presence and personal contact within the community. Our sincere thanks go to them for their efforts.
4)    New Business – None.

5)    Election of Officers:   Treasurer and Secretary.
Andrew presented the slate of Members who had agreed to stand and asked if there were any further nominations from the floor. In the absence of further nominations, by acclamation, Jim Carter will take up the position of Treasurer and Derrick Kershaw will continue as Secretary.

6)    Directors-at Large:    Beryl Kirk, Rona Tepper and Robert Doolan.   

7)    Motion to adjourn:    Proposed: Trevor Roberts. Seconded: Marion Dyck.                                             

Meeting adjourned at 21:00

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